5 Questions w/ @el.feather.yoga
1. Tell me about your personal journey with yoga. Why is it important to you?
Yoga has always been with me, even when I wasn’t aware. As a young girl, I was drawn to movement, gymnastics, using the body as a way to process and express my joy and emotions. Heading into my 20’s I felt something was missing, but I didn’t know where to look. After being sedentary for some years, I desired to get active again and I recalled people talking about this thing called “Yoga.” Upon my discovery, I knew this was what I had been searching for. I immediately was hooked as I kept practicing the handful of postures I knew at the time until I could learn more. It’s been almost 10 years now and I continue to find deeper aspects that draw me in. This is important to me because what began as a way to become healthy has transpired into finding my purpose and joy.
2. When did you first begin teaching yoga? What made you transition into a leadership position?
Naturally, I wanted to dig deeper and took my first yoga teacher training in 2014. As an extremely shy person, teaching was a hurdle for me to conquer. Thankfully the love I have for the practice won over and helped me to heal and appreciate my struggles for having led me here. I believe some of the hardest things we have to face will be the very things that connect us to inspire the greater whole. It’s not something I had planned, but rather I saw it as a beautiful synchronicity to set myself free and hopefully be an inspiration helping others in the process.
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